Indoor Free Play
A variety of planned activities are set out around the pre-school in accordance with the children's next steps and each area within the Birth to Five curriculum. Activities are made to look inviting and exciting along with catering for children's individual interests which helps encourage the children to experience a wide range of new experiences.
We always ensure that there is a variety of messy play activities available for the children which enables and supports their sensory development as well as their development of mathematical skills and their scientific lines of enquiry.
Snack Time
We ask for each child to bring in a named water bottle which is kept in the drinks tray so that all children have access to water at any point during their day.
We operate a rolling snack time, the children choose when to join the snack table when they are ready to take a break in their play. They are responsible for their own snack; choosing what they would like, cutting it up themselves, pouring their own milk or water and washing up their items when they have finished. This creates independence skills within the children, preparing them for primary school.
Outdoor Play
We are lucky enough to have a large enclosed outside area. Being outdoors is the very best place for children to practice and master their emerging physical skills. It is outside that our pre-schoolers can fully and freely experience gross motor skills such as running, jumping and climbing.
Just like inside, the garden is set up daily in line with the childrens' next steps, each area of the Birth to Five curriculum and include adult led activities, giving the children a wide variety of learning opportunities.
Forest Fun!
Once a week we join the reception class for Forest School. This gives the children the opportunity to explore the forest area within the school grounds. They can make fire pits and natural habitats for insects and wildlife. This enhances their knowledge and understanding of the world, as well as many other skills. Apart from anything, the children love Forest School - making popcorn in the fire pit is a particular favourite!