School Online Payment System
We are pleased to let you know that Fenstanton & Hilton Primary School moved to a new online payments system in June 2023.
We use a system known as ‘School Comms’ Parents access the site using the School Gateway app (Apple) or (Android) which is very easy-to-use and will offer you the flexibility to make online payments whenever and wherever you like, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - safe in the knowledge that payments are secure and use the highest level of card security and that funds will reach the school safely.
We would encourage you to use this method to pay for school meals and other school activities. We hope that you will find paying in this way is much more convenient and from our perspective it will save us time as well as reduce the chances of money being lost or stolen.
Fenstanton & Hilton Primary School are a cashless school and therefore encourage all parents to use this online facility. If you are unable to pay using a card we have the option within School Comms for parents to use PayPoint.
Please ask at the office if you haven't already received an email inviting you to download the app when your child started school with us. Alternatively, please use the instructions on the website. Any queries please contact the office directly who will be able to assist and provide advice.